What we do
MRF engages and educate one on one with hundreds and thousands of people yearly. From annual functions, fundraisers, events or even speaking engagements throughout the state, meeting people at Bartlett Neurorehab, Physical Therapy, or out in the community he will help anyone along the way about how to live life with paralysis taking it one day at a time. Even if it’s someone random that he meets in public, or an unknown person paths he meets via from social media, out of town, or through referral.
Currently, over the last 25 years Mario Reed has been living with Paralysis advocating and helping people who has suffered a life challenge injury. From all different aspects such as referrals for resources, advising, coaching, mentoring, advocating for home healthcare insurance , affordable accessible housing, public transportation, referrals for primary physician, urologists, neurologist, physically therapist, medical supplies, medical equipment, hygiene commode-shower chairs, hospital rotating air mattress, transfers lifts, manual or power wheelchairs etc. Furthermore; we walk each individual step by step to getting what they need and helping them become independence as they possibly can become.
Need Help? Been denied for TN Care Choices Program or Medicaid? We can help!! In partnership with A. Wages law firm we can provide the help you need. Feel out the form below for more help.